Community, Economic & Recreational Development 2011-2012

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee met Wednesday, June 13, 2012 and reported out the following bill as amended:

SB 1345 (Folmer) – This legislation establishes the Wireless Broadband Collocation Act.  Senator Folmer offered Amendment A11541 which makes “technical and substantive” changes to the bill, including making changes to some definitions.  The amendment was unanimously approved.

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee met on April 3, 2012 and unanimously reported the following bill as amended:

SB 8 (Folmer) – This legislation is titled the Pennsylvania Health Information Technology Act and creates the Pennsylvania Health Information Partnership Authority. Senator Folmer offered Amendment A09706, which is a gut-and-replace amendment making technical changes and provides for a revised board structure. The amendment was unanimously adopted.

The Senate Communications and Technology met on Wednesday, June 15, 2011, and unanimously reported out the following bill as committed:

SB 162 – The bill amends the Breach of Personal Information Notification Act by requiring that a State agency or political subdivision notify subjects of breaches of security of their system within seven days of discovery of the breach and to notify the Attorney General’s Office within three days.

The committee unanimously reported out the following bills as amended:

SB 354 – This legislation creates the REAL ID Nonparticipating Act which would exempt Pennsylvania from having to comply with the provisions of the Federal REAL ID law.  Amendment A02485 was offered which was clarifying language.

SB 355 – The bill establishes the Identification Card Electronic Swiping Act which would prohibit a business from using information obtained through card swiping with some exempts.  Amendment A02467 was offer that adds to the permitted uses of the card.

SB 356 – The bill establishes the Right to Body Data Privacy Act that makes it unlawful for government agencies to deny rights or benefits to any individual because they refused to disclose their biometric data.   Amendment A03092 was offered that removes “attorney general” from the bill.

SR 10 – This resolution urges the President of the United States and the Governor to institute a Broadband mobilization strategy to manage funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Amendment A02499 was offered which removes the ARRA language from the bill.